SHSU Lockheed Martin

Questions regarding awards/awards nominations may be forwarded to Sylvie Nguyen-Fawley.

Questions regarding Fellow Member nominations may be forwarded to Tim Manicom.

Kassidi Day, Dylan Hallet, Ethan Davis, and David Hale


The Engineered Applicator Device team consists of Kassidi Day, Dylan Hallet, Ethan Davis, and David Hale.  The team is lead by Professor Christopher Penick (Assistant Professor of ME at Colorado Mesa University) and expands upon the work done by Colorado Mesa University Chemistry Professor Dr. Andy Wolff and his team’s development of a biodegradable starch solution to be used in graffiti remediation in national parks.  Kassidi functions as the Project Lead Engineer and Finance Manager for the team.  She is a senior in the Colorado Mesa University and University of Colorado Boulder Mechanical Engineering partnership program and prides herself in her writing and communication abilities, as well as critical thinking and dedication.  Dylan holds the role of CAD Director on the team.  He is a senior in the Mechanical Engineering Technology program at Colorado Mesa University.  Dylan is experienced in using SOLIDWORKS and Fusion 360. He has experience in the manufacturing industry, as well as management and automotive mechanics experience.  Ethan fills the role of the Manufacturing Engineering Lead for the team.  He is also a senior Mechanical Engineering Technology student at Colorado Mesa University and is skilled in SOLIDWORKS CAD modeling.  Ethan also holds an associate’s degree in manufacturing with an emphasis on machining.  David works as the Lead Test and Systems Engineer on the project.  He is also a senior Mechanical Engineering Technology student at Colorado Mesa University.  His strengths include SOLIDWORKS CAD modeling and hands-on prototyping and design.  David holds a full-time job outside of school as a project engineer for a local construction company and is familiar with professional communications and project organization.  Each member is excited to be a part of this project and looks forward to developing an applicator device to help preserve the natural resources that we have the privilege of enjoying.